Mar 1, 2024
'List 38: https://youtu.be/lVX2vM7UYI8 FOOD VERBS - FOOD - QUANTITIES & CONTAINERS - MENU (Life A1-A2 | Unit 5: FOOD) ✅ FOOD VERBS (Các động từ về đồ ăn) ✅ FOOD (Thực phẩm) ✅ QUANTITIES & CONTAINERS (Số lượng & Đồ đựng) ✅ MENU (Thực đơn) List 1: https://youtu.be/f-3tgVsTg9c (Meeting and Greetings - Personal information - Families) List 2: https://youtu.be/oA9lZYJZaCk (Adults and Children - Everyday Objects in a Classroom - Colors) List 3: https://youtu.be/nv8_QHm65r4 (The home - Furniture in a living room - Furniture in a bedroom) List 4: https://youtu.be/7HBzJvm5IR4 (Cardinal Numbers - Ordinal Numbers - Telling Time) List 5: https://youtu.be/2FoJkWcj00s (Downtown - City Streets - An Intersection) List 6: https://youtu.be/NQ2yI7-Gao0 (Outdoor Recreation - Hobbies and Games - Free time Activities) List 7: https://youtu.be/hvHYdsr6W3Q (Winter & Water Sports - Individual Sports - Team Sports) List 8: https://youtu.be/HxNgVIoqNRg (Back from the market - Fruit - Vegetables) List 9: https://youtu.be/V5SMAu9mIaI (A Grocery Store - Containers & Packaging - Food Preparation & Safety) List 10: https://youtu.be/9ybHzQMWKJk (Money - Shopping - Same and Different) List 11: https://youtu.be/f6VNlcIwJsY (Basic Transportation - Public Transportation - Prepositions of Motion) List 12: https://youtu.be/I0y_3ArgYEU (Adjectives - Describing People & Things) List 13: https://youtu.be/lW1R7tUZRmA (Describing People - Describing Hair - Feelings) List 14: https://youtu.be/ekcHVKbEOqY (Everyday Clothes - Casual, Work, and Formal Clothes - Seasonal Clothing) List 15: https://youtu.be/bMMPMwa94i8 (The Body - Inside & Outside the Body) List 16: https://youtu.be/_1QSOtMLS9o (Entertainment - Types of Entertainment - Types of Film) List 17: https://youtu.be/6QAq6MgcHx4 (Studying - Succeeding in School) List 18: https://youtu.be/laHbPrJCevs (Types of Travel - Arriving at Destination - Tourist Activities) List 19: https://youtu.be/0p-U0hxsE3E (Measurements - Geography and Habitats - The Universe) List 20: https://youtu.be/zr_k-WqMgjs Feel, do, go, play - Medical problems (LIFE A2-B1 - Unit 1: HEALTH) List 21: https://youtu.be/B3IKOEnar1A Sports & Competitions (LIFE A2-B1 - Unit 2: COMPETITIONS) List 22: https://youtu.be/1m5ftDajZ90 Transport (LIFE A2-B1 - Unit 3: TRANSPORT) List 23: https://youtu.be/ICFP030WppE Adventure - Geographical features - Personal qualities (LIFE A2-B1 - Unit 4: ADVENTURE) List 24: https://youtu.be/HQOyGcRMAno Household items - Results & figures (LIFE A2-B1 - Unit 5: THE ENVIRONMENT) List 25: https://youtu.be/wvAmD7fyAxU Celebrations - Stages in life - Life events (LIFE A2-B1 - Unit 6: STAGES IN LIFE) List 26: https://youtu.be/beRWj5K4_Kg Jobs - Office equipment - Job satisfaction (LIFE B1-B2 - Unit 7: WORK) List 27: https://youtu.be/1uqdlWm7h5o Inventions - Technology verbs (LIFE B1-B2 - Unit 8: TECHNOLOGY) List 28: https://youtu.be/8Fy4BeTaM3A Education - Phrasal Verbs (LIFE B1-B2 - Unit 9: LANGUAGE & LEARNING) List 29: https://youtu.be/hmvWcPXRfUY Holiday adjectives - Places in a city - Holiday activities (LIFE B1-B2 - Unit 10: TRAVEL & HOLIDAY) List 30: https://youtu.be/Vbjxm8m2LZc Archaeology - Phrasal Verbs Set (LIFE B1-B2 - Unit 11: HISTORY) List 31: https://youtu.be/0S4rKfSQguQ Classification of animals - Extreme Weather (LIFE B1-B2 - Unit 12: NATURE) List 32: https://youtu.be/Gxf_qTZjdWI Personal Information, Family, Everyday verbs (LIFE A1-A2 - Unit 1: PEOPLE) List 33: https://youtu.be/DpfiPx7kgsY COLOURS, FURNITURE, USEFUL OBJECTS (LIFE A1-A2 - Unit 2: POSSESSIONS) List 34: https://youtu.be/scSQJ2QwgZM COUNTRIES & NATIONALITIES, PRICES & CURRENCIES, ADJECTIVES (LIFE A1-A2 - Unit 2: POSSESSIONS) List 35: https://youtu.be/pPvnaVX_8Mc TELLING THE TIME - DESCRIBING CITIES - JOBS & PLACES OF WORK (Life A1-A2 - Unit 3: PLACES) List 36: https://youtu.be/UQd51_EJR6c ORDINAL & CARDINAL NUMBERS - PLACES IN A CITY (Life A1-A2 | Unit 3: PLACES) List 37: https://youtu.be/whfTEtJyJCw EVERYDAY ACTIVITIES - SPORTS (Life A1-A2 | Unit 4: FREE TIME) List 38: https://youtu.be/lVX2vM7UYI8 FOOD VERBS - FOOD - QUANTITIES & CONTAINERS - MENU (Life A1-A2 | Unit 5: FOOD) List 39: https://youtu.be/9zd11O_M4FM PERIODS OF TIME - TIME EXPRESSIONS - OPINION ADJECTIVES - CURRENCY (Life A1-A2 | Unit 6: PAST LIVES) #Vocabulary #English #TuVung #TiengAnh #Words #AnhVănSơCấp #BasicEnglish #ElementaryEnglish #TiếngAnhSơCấp #AnhVănA0 #TiếngAnhA0 #AnhVăn0 #LIFE #A1A2 #LifeA0 #LifeA1 #LifeA2 #Basic #Elementary #NationalGeographic #NationalGeographicLearning #HocTuVung #TuVungTiengAnh #EnglishVocabulary #LanguageKey #LKLearningEnglish #Vietnam #Vietnamese #Food #FoodVerb #FoodVerbs #Quantity #Quantities #Container #Containers #Menu #Menus'See also: